Words of wisdom for men

  1. Your girl loves you the most when you are immersed in your core job. Women love passion.
  2. World gives every thing to those who don’t need it. (Matthew Effect). More you have it, more they give it to you![pullquote]Two independent people can really and truly love each other. Dependent people are only attached.[/pullquote]
  3. You can become a celebrity, ONLY if you actively stop looking for it.
  4. Two independent people can really and truly love each other. Dependent people are only attached.
  5. Love is freedom. More freedom you give to your partners, more love they return you back.
  6. Confidence is indeed sexy, sexier than those six packs or six figures.
  7. ‘Law of attraction’ works ONLY for those who stop attracting.
  8. If sex makes people happy, we shall not have any one unhappy on our planet (Sooner or later, we all get it). Only love and sex out of pure love gives you eternal bliss.Rest is fiction and media hype.
  9. I believe in those who ‘show’ (by their actions) they care and not who ‘say’ (via their words) they care.Words were and shall always remain hollow and superficial.
  10. Looking for next point…Yes you got it…Mind is never satisfied.

No one teach better than life. Next best source are books.

Here is the audio version of same answer with additional commentary.

 Here is youtube video on similar topic.

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