Avoid regrets in life later by following these steps in your 20s.

Health is wealth in the true sense. If you have those dreaded lifestyle diseases, money in your bank account will just be a bunch of numbers on a computer screen!

  • Physical Exercise : Health is wealth in the true sense. If you have those dreaded lifestyle diseases, money in your bank account will convert to just a bunch of numbers on computer screen! The most basic workouts which require no equipment or gym, or ground and ensures basic health are
    • Squats (Number 1 exercise in the world) : Do 100 squats every alternate day. It takes only 5 minutes!
    • Push ups (Second best exercise in world) : Try only 50 push ups in total irrespective of sets in five minutes, every alternate day.
    • Walk the talk. Use feet as a mode of transportation more than anything. Avoid vehicles, cars, bike, Taxi, bus etc. when you need to cover a distance less than 500m. Make it a rule.
  • Avoid loans : Please avoid loans of all kinds. It may be a home loan or a car loan or any other personal loan. I have explained in detail in another answer as to how loans kills your future. What are some of the best life tips? Never be a debt slave!
  • Focus on ‘relations’ rather than relationships : It has been long proved in many research studies that the only indicator of real happiness is ‘relationships’ and NOT money. What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness.
  • Don’t postpone all your plans for the future : Even though I, myself have indicated (Which is the one habit that can transform your world forever?,) that delaying the gratification is the ONLY real indicator of success. But it never means that you sacrifice your every source of happiness for that alluring success.
  • Saving doesn’t mean that you become a ‘miser’. Saving means being ‘frugal’.
    • Saving doesn’t means that you never party.
    • It doesn’t mean that you never go to watch a movie.
    • It doesn’t mean that you never buy a pair of good jeans.
    • It doesn’t mean that you never go to that sea-shore and wait till you’re 60 to receive the benefits of retirement!
  • Being focused doesn’t mean that you don’t  have even ‘one’ hour for the person you love.
    • It never means that you can’t spare a day in your life enjoying festivals.
    • It never means that you need to become a ‘robot’.
  • Remember that you never get the second chance to
    • Get that ‘first kiss’ again.
    • Write those love letters.
    • Enjoy that rush of hormones when you meet your special one.
    • Party all night with your friends and many more.[pullquote]No matter how shy you are, no matter what boundaries are within you, no matter how much courage you need, never ever miss that chance to pour your heart out to anyone you love. You never regret anything else more than that![/pullquote]
    • Delaying means that prime focus must not be misplaced but ‘life’ should be ‘alive’ within you!. Somethings cannot be postponed else they lose their charm.

Last but the most important point

No matter how shy you are, no matter what boundaries are within you, no matter how much courage you need, never ever miss that chance to pour your heart out to anyone you love. You never regret anything else more than that!

Even if you lose, even if you are rejected, that chapter shall get closed and will not haunt you all your life forever.

Remember bad dreams never die.